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Science/STEM Club 

Science/STEM Club


Beginning on Thursday, October 4th Hebron Valley students Kindergarten-5th grade will have the opportunity to participate in the Science/STEM  Club. We will be learning about different science concepts and then completing science and STEM investigations that accompany the concept that we are learning about.


Students will meet in Mrs. Kiesling’s room C5 after school. We will start at 3:00 and students must be picked up by 3:30 at the front of the school in the circle drive. After two late pickups, students will be dismissed from participating in the club. This form must be completed and returned to Mrs. Kiesling or Ms. Upham to participate in the club.


Once the club has started, if your child is going to be absent for any reason, please email one or both teachers to let us know. Parents can also sign up on Remind for club announcements and reminders.


If you have any further questions, please let us know.


Mrs. Kiesling - Ms. Upham -

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